These 30 Powerful Ads Are Not Just A Way For Companies To Gain Profit, This Is Their Way For Voices To Be Heard, Expecting Us To Open Our Eyes About Global Issues, #22 Is HORRIFYING!

These Powerful public interest ads are advertisements which help social issue campaigns or non-profit organizations to raise awareness and encourage a change in behavior or perception.

Every single person gets caught up in their own life, but these shocking advertisements aim to drag everyone out of selfish habits. These ads make us question what's going on and think about the real significant issues in this world.

Here are a few examples of advertisements that are effective strategies for social awareness(for us):

1). Before it’s too late. (World Wildlife Foundation)

2). Air Pollution Kills 60,000 People a Year (NRDC.ORG)

3). Same pet, different owner. (CARA Welfare Philippines)

4). Your Skin Color Shouldn't Dictate Your Future. (LICRA)

5). Slower Is Better. (Elm Grove Police Department)

6). Don’t Talk While They Drive. (Bangalore Traffic Police)

7). Torture Victims Are People Just Like You And Me. (ACAT)

8). Women need to... (UN Women)

9). Sexual predator can hide in your child’s smartphone. (Innocence in Danger)

10). Paper Dispenser: Save Paper. Save The Planet. (World Wildlife Foundation)

11). If You Don’t Pick It Up, They Will. (Endangered Wildlife Trust)

12). Plastic Bags Kill. Keep our oceans clean. (Global Action In The Interest of Animals)

13). Stop The Violence, Don’t Drink And Drive. (Ecovia)

14). What We See When You Smoke. (

15). Buckle up. Stay Alive. (Quebec Automobile Insurance Society)

16). See how easy feeding the hungry can be. (Feed SA)

17). Think Of Both Sides. (

18). Help! Stop Global Warming.

19). Over-fishing Of Blue-fin Tuna.

20). Save Lives. Stub It Out.

21). Stop The Women Abuse!

22). Stop Climate Change Before It Changes You.

23). The Longer You Live On The Street, The Harder It Is To Get Off It.(Samusocial)

24). The Longer A Child With Autism Goes Without Help, The Harder They Are To Reach.

25). Silence Hurts.

26). Environmental Murder.

27). Say No To Racism.

28). Deforestation Kills Wildlife.

29). Liking Isn't Helping. (Crisis Relief Singapore)

30). Your Words Have Power. Use Them Wisely.

Don't flush off these social issues, now its our time to be aware and make everyone aware of it, start sharing to make a difference by clicking below button: